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2023 Bench-Bar Conference – Part Eleven

Continuing the Conversation 

Friday, October 20, 2023
Time – 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Registration Fees*
Non-Government Attorneys
$195 (on or before September 22)
$225 (after September 22)

Government Attorneys
Attorneys admitted to practice 5 years or less
All Support Staff

CLE approved for Ohio and Indiana

5.75 hours of CLE credit, including 1 hour of ethics credit

CLE Approved by Kentucky Bar Association Commission on CLE for 5.75 General CLE Hours

The Bench-Bar Conference will be held at the Hope Hotel & Richard C. Holbrooke Conference Center, 823 Chidlaw Road, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio 45433.  For information on the venue please visit: (937.869.2696) Directions Using GPS Receiver or Smart Phone

Link to Google Maps Hope Hotel & Richard C. Holbrooke Conference Center

The conference is open to all attorneys and trustees. Support staff are also welcome to attend, as many of the discussion topics affect their jobs and their ability to assist you.  *The registration fee includes breakfast, lunch, refreshments and the CLE credit. A $30 early bird discount is available to non-government attorneys in practice more than 5 years registering on or before September 22. There will be no early bird discount for attendees paying the $125 fee.

The program will be attended by the bankruptcy judges, chambers staff and a wide range of bankruptcy practitioners from all three court locations and surrounding communities.

The morning program will begin with opening remarks followed by three plenary sessions:  Case Law & Legislative Update; Subchapter V Panel: Facts, Updates and Exciting New Details; and Attorney Wellness. The afternoon program will commence with breakout sessions: Consumer Group Discussion (Chapters 7 & 13) and Business Group Discussion (Chapter 11), followed by one plenary session: Crypto Currency.  The final session of the day will be a “roundtable” discussion moderated by the Judges of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Ohio.

Check out the full conference Agenda for more detailed program information.

The content of this program was developed in collaboration with the Attorney Advisory Committee.

The deadline to register is October 13, 2023 (early bird discount expired September 22). A registration form must be returned for each person attending.  Please be sure to retain a copy for your records.

The conference offers open seating for all sessions and attendees are free to socialize and network with their fellow colleagues from across the district over the lunch break.

Attire is business casual.